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You can compete with all-cash buyers
You can compete with all-cash buyers 休斯顿
By   Jamie Wiebe
  • 都市报
  • Buying a home at full price
  • buying competition
  • buying a home in the US
Abstract: For some of us, all-cash buyers are the scourge of the hot property market: they swoop in like supervillains and snatch the most beloved and valuable properties right out from under our noses. Competing with cash buyers isn't impossible, it's just hard.

Some sellers will make a killing every time, and there's nothing you can do about it. But if you have a strategy, you might have a chance. Here's how to develop a strategy.


1. Figure out the seller's goals


Determining what sellers value most is the key to getting your dream home - even if your competitors are all-cash buyers.


It is often assumed that all sellers want the most aggressive and fastest closing at the highest price. That's not always the case, says Shashank Shekhar, founder and CEO of Arcus Lending in San Jose, Calif. When he sold his home earlier this year, the most important factor was getting back two months of free rent because he still wanted to buy.


Says Shekhar, "Even if the price was a little lower, with that offer, we would have taken it over full cash." Understanding the seller's needs is always paramount.


2. consider your contingencies


If you're willing to waive a home inspection or second appraisal, you may have an advantage over buyers who aren't.


Joe Petrowsky, a mortgage broker in Manchester, Connecticut, says, "If you're competing with cash buyers, contingencies may be a concern for sellers."


If a potential buyer is willing to remove contingencies, that could be an incentive for the seller, especially if there are some issues with the property.


This is not always the best strategy. For example, without a home inspection, there could be some serious issues with the property that you might not have purchased had you known about them.


However, if you have your sights set on the home and you're going head-to-head with a cash buyer, this might be an option to consider.


Of course, there's one condition you can't cancel: the mortgage. (Hey, if you could, you wouldn't be reading this right now!) .

 You can compete with all-cash buyers

3. Get pre-approved


You can ease your mortgage contingencies by getting pre-approved - and providing a strong pre-qualification letter from your lender. If you've saved up a large down payment and have good credit, this could be your winning formula.


"Sellers or their brokers should understand that it's really impossible for a loan not to work out," Petrowsky says. With good finances and a large down payment, your mortgage loan officer can fight for you with the seller, ensuring that nothing serious happens in the delicate time between offer and closing that could hurt them.


Shekhar says, "Make your offer as cash-like as possible." The number one reason deals fall through is when the loan is rejected during escrow.


4. make sure your mortgage broker is great


I see pre-qualifications all the time that are just not worth it because the broker doesn't know or hasn't done due diligence on the potential buyer, says Petrowsky.


How to make sure you get what you pay for, both Petrowsky and Shekhar recommend researching online beforehand to see if there are any negative reviews of mortgages that have fallen through at the last minute.


You want someone who is thorough. "We do a lot of due diligence to make sure the person can get a loan," Petrowsky says.


After all, sellers usually opt for an all-cash deal "because they don't want any hassles in the loan process," Shekhar says." It gives them comfort and security."


5. Personalisation


If you're competing with speculators in all-cash deals, you've got a head start: most buyers don't want to see the home they've loved and lived in destroyed or turned into another cookie-cutter development.


It's an emotional reason, but people are more inclined to have a house as their primary residence," says Shekhar. They've lived in the house for so many years, and hopefully future homeowners will have similar memories."


Try to introduce yourselves to the seller in your letter, as well as your hopes and dreams for the property. Putting a face to a name and a story to a face can be a great way to get the home you want.

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You can compete with all-cash buyers
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