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These are the best places to live in the United States right now!
These are the best places to live in the United States right now! 休斯顿
By   Clare Trapasso
  • 都市报
  • Best place to live
  • housing
  • house listing price
Abstract: This year, Green Bay, Wisconsin topped the annual list of the best places to live in the country, according to the latest rankings by U.S. News & World Report. It edged out Huntsville, Arizona's aerospace hub, from the number one spot.

This year's rankings reflect the current economic, social and natural factors that affect the livability of a place to live," real estate editor Devin Sosebee said in a statement.


The ranking assesses the value, quality of life, strength of the local job market and livability of the 150 largest metropolitan areas in the country. Factors such as housing affordability, local temperatures and the number of activities, restaurants and bars per capita are included in these indicators.


The majority of the best places to live are concentrated in the South, with six of the top 10 located there. North Carolina, Colorado and Florida each have two places.


Green Bay, located about two hours north of Milwaukee on the Green Bay River, is the only Midwestern city to make the top 10. Perhaps best known for its legendary NFL team, the Green Bay Packers, the state's oldest settlement is also home to about 10 colleges, universities and community colleges, including the University of Wisconsin. Packers' all-star quarterback Aaron Rodgers may have moved on to New York and the Jets, but many others are moving to the area.


One of the benefits of this city of over 100,000 residents is that real estate in the metro area is still affordable. According to the latest data from Realtor.com®, the median home price in the Green Bay metro area was about $412,000 in April, about 4 per cent lower than the national median home price of $430,000.

 These are the best places to live in the United States right now!

"People are thinking about more than just housing when they look at the affordability of an area," Thorsby said, "they want to know what the price of goods in the area is." The ever-present risk of severe weather and the resilience of a community - plus the opportunities for social activity in the area - are also taken into account."


Best places to live in 2023:


Green Bay, Wisconsin


Median listing price of homes in April: $412,000


Huntsville, Arizona.


Median list price for a home in April: $419,00


Raleigh and Durham, NC


Median list price for a home in April: $465,000


Boulder, CO


Median list price for a home in April: $982,550


Sarasota, FL


Median list price for a home in April: $549,900


Naples, FL


Median list price for a home in April: $899,000


Portland, ME


Median list price for a home in April: $628,700


Charlotte, NC


Median list price for a home in April: $425,000


Colorado Springs, CO


Median list price for a home in April: $535,000


Fayetteville, AZ


Median list price for an April home: $413,000

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These are the best places to live in the United States right now!
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