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U.S. Single-Family Home Construction Slows in June as Builders Anticipate Rate Cuts to Boost Market
U.S. Single-Family Home Construction Slows in June as Builders Anticipate Rate Cuts to Boost Market
In June, the slowdown in U.S. single-family home construction reflected the pressure that high interest rates are exerting on the real estate market. However, with the increase in multi-family housing construction and the anticipation of future rate cuts, the market might see some recovery in the second half of the year. Builders are adjusting their strategies by offering price reductions and sales incentives to attract buyers, preparing for a potential market rebound.
Jul 18, 2024
U.S. Single-Family Home Construction Slows in June as Builders Anticipate Rate Cuts to Boost Market
U.S. Single-Family Home Construction Slows in June as Builders Anticipate Rate Cuts to Boost MarketU.S. Single-Family Home Construction Slows in June as Builders Anticipate Rate Cuts to Boost Market
Jul 18, 2024
Revealing the Top Five Unexpected Hotspots in the US Real Estate Market
Revealing the Top Five Unexpected Hotspots in the US Real Estate MarketRevealing the Top Five Unexpected Hotspots in the US Real Estate Market
Jul 11, 2024
Hot Buying in Cold Markets: Seize the Best Home Buying Opportunities in These Cold Real Estate Markets
Hot Buying in Cold Markets: Seize the Best Home Buying Opportunities in These Cold Real Estate MarketsHot Buying in Cold Markets: Seize the Best Home Buying Opportunities in These Cold Real Estate Markets
Jun 28, 2024
High Interest Rate Impact: How Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) Homeowners Can Cope
High Interest Rate Impact: How Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) Homeowners Can CopeHigh Interest Rate Impact: How Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) Homeowners Can Cope
Jun 3, 2024
Post-Pandemic Rent Trends: A Surge in the Midwest
Post-Pandemic Rent Trends: A Surge in the MidwestPost-Pandemic Rent Trends: A Surge in the Midwest
May 23, 2024
2024 Election: Housing Prices Become a Key Issue
2024 Election: Housing Prices Become a Key Issue2024 Election: Housing Prices Become a Key Issue
May 14, 2024
Portland Continues as America's Top Luxury Hotspot for the Third Consecutive Quarter
Portland Continues as America's Top Luxury Hotspot for the Third Consecutive QuarterPortland Continues as America's Top Luxury Hotspot for the Third Consecutive Quarter
Apr 26, 2024
Mortgage Rates Rise Above 7%
Mortgage Rates Rise Above 7%Mortgage Rates Rise Above 7%
Apr 20, 2024
Rising Mortgage Rates: Challenges and Opportunities in the Real Estate Market
Rising Mortgage Rates: Challenges and Opportunities in the Real Estate MarketRising Mortgage Rates: Challenges and Opportunities in the Real Estate Market
Apr 12, 2024
Houston Rental Market Analysis and Price Trends
Houston Rental Market Analysis and Price TrendsHouston Rental Market Analysis and Price Trends
Apr 3, 2024
Regaining a mortgage after foreclosure involves key steps and considerations
Regaining a mortgage after foreclosure involves key steps and considerationsRegaining a mortgage after foreclosure involves key steps and considerations
Apr 2, 2024
The housing market under the new crown epidemic: challenges and recovery
The housing market under the new crown epidemic: challenges and recoveryThe housing market under the new crown epidemic: challenges and recovery
Mar 28, 2024
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